Clawsome Dragon Limericks Winners

Clawsome Dragon Limericks Winners

Clawsome Dragon Limerick Contest

Clawsome Dragon Limericks Winners

We received a hoard of dragon limericks from all around the world. The verses made us roar and laugh, and on occasion, breathe fire. It was a tough decision because so many of the limericks were clawsome! Thank you to all contestants for your fangtastic effort!

Although we had to select winners, we want everyone to know that you’re all winners for entering, because you all created new limericks! Unfortunately the volume of entries hasn’t made it possible to provide feedback to everyone, as we’d hoped, however we will provide feedback to all children who entered, in due course.

Is your name in the e-book?

Our winners ( 1st, 2nd & 3rd places) will soon receive a voucher for the e-book Clawsome Dragon Limericks. All winners, honorable mentions and finalists have their limericks in the e-book and their names in the table of contents.

Clawsome Dragon Limericks ContestWinners: Clawsome Dragon Limericks Contest – Children’s Category

  • First Place: Mia, 8yrs, Wellington, New Zealand
  • Second Place: Katie, 12 yrs, Hamilton, New Zealand
  • Third Place: Jervayz, 12 yrs, Hamilton, New Zealand

Winners: Clawsome Dragon Limericks Contest – Adult & Teens Category

  • First Place: Chris Makowski, Texas, USA
  • Second Place: Sarah Garriott, USA
  • Third Equal: A.C. Lindsay, New Zealand & Kerrie Spicer, New Zealand

Honorable Mentions:

  • Jane Percival, New Zealand, Best Illustrated Limerick
  • Lyn McConchie, New Zealand, Clever Use of Historical Language
  • Jack Newhouse, New Zealand, Best Limerick with a Scottish Accent
  • John Irvine, New Zealand, Brilliantly Yuck!
  • Gloria Hanlon, USA, Inspiring Limericks


  • Christopher Drown, Australia
  • Gareth Barsby, United Kingdom
  • Katharina Gerlach, Germany
  • Chris Makowski, Texas, USA
  • Charles Hoge, New York, USA
  • Mahoney Adair, Christchurch, New Zealand
  • Sarah Garriott, USA
  • Dr Bob Turvey, UK
  • John Irvine, New Zealand
  • Andrew Mackrory, Ohio, USA
  • Vincent Van Gouache, New Zealand

Feel free to share this link to Clawsome Dragon Limericks with your family and friends, any grumpy old knights, dragons with a  sense of humor, and princesses who may enjoy dragon limericks or a roarsome laugh!  Have fun reading these limericks! We’d love a review on Amazon!















