Dragon Time at Armageddon – Dragon Rift Launch

Dragon Time at Armageddon – Dragon Rift Launch

Armageddon was a blast!

Armageddon was a blast! Three days of wing flapping, crazy cosplay, weird storm troopers stalking me with menacing glares (Chewbacca was away in Christchurch, sadly) and keen readers popping by to say hi. Three days of talking non-stop (which wouldn’t surprise my friends — I love meeting new people). Three days of telling people about Riders of Fire and Quest, book 1 in the Sylvalla Chronicles. Three days of A.J. Ponder and I hanging out together!

Armageddon Wellington, Eileen Mueller and Riders of FireWe were so busy, I almost missed the email telling me Ezaara, Riders of Fire book 1, was a finalist in the 2019 Sir Julius Vogel Awards. Almost, but not quite. My friends and readers are way too savvy for that. As I was heading home late, with sore feet (after days of standing on concrete floors), my phone pinged! Yes, I’d been tagged. Thanks for nominating Ezaara, and then letting me know!

Armageddon – Dragon Rift Launch

Dragon Rift is the cover for book 3 in Eileen Mueller's Riders of Fire series, available on Amazon

Dragon Rift, book 3 in my Riders of Fire series,  launched at Armageddon. This time, there was no archery or sword fighting. Copies of the book slipped off the counter into happy readers’ bags as we chatted and enjoyed the variety of crazy characters parading past. Did I mention that I was wearing dragon wings? Oh, and that I had an extra set for people to try on?

Games of Thrones  at Armageddon

I didn’t actually sit on the throne. It doesn’t look that comfy!

Dragons Galore – Armageddon time!

Let the dragons roar! So glad he didn’t breathe fire, although his fangs look deadly.

Charles the mad hatter, Aria the grinning Cheshire Cat, and Odin the King of Hearts stopped by! Luckily, Odin wasn’t yelling, “Off with her head,” or I would’ve been a goner!

Keala is bananas about dragons! 

Watch out!!! You never know who’s behind the mask!

The impressive array of weapons hidden in this guy’s gauntlets, gives a whole new meaning to being heavily armed.

A.J. Ponder has a soft spot for Dr Who, so she loved this pint-sized Tardis.

I caught up with Akita, once I recognized her under that glorious red hair!

Pick a superhero!!! Really, I mean we have to keep them busy. So, grab one and save the world.

Ash, one of my cool teen beta readers, popped by. She loves Riders of Fire and helped me brainstorm some tricky parts of my free prequel novelette, Bronze Dragon! A valuable team member.

Deb, a kiwi reader, popped by to say hi! “You won’t know me,” she said, “But I subscribe to your Riders of Fire newsletter.”

Being a nerd, I replied, “Try me, what’s your email address?” Sure enough, I recognized it! “You subscribed in November, didn’t you?” I asked. Imagine how surprized she was.

That scoundrel, Darian Smith, just had to get in on the fun.

Ironman made his own costume as a school metalwork project! Wow, what dedication and talent! He then modified the costume he purchased for his friend. Um, yep, I am short!

Eat your heart out Captain Jack Sparrow. We can do suave and debonair too!

A knight of Gondor leaps into action to slay that dragon!

Rainbow-hair-and-wing twins!

A cute dragonet stopped by.

More mad hatters! And the cutest mousie!

Fiona (Shrek’s princess by day, ogre by night) came to teach us self-defense against all those mean knights!

More dragonets… I swear, they were everywhere!

A warrior was warding off enemies, but I don’t think he’d get far with Commander Zens’ evil tharuks. He’d need way more torso protection against their razor-sharp claws.

Mixed genres here, but they swear they’re friends!

Homemade dragon wings that flap!!! And an amazing mask! VERY COOL!

Look who swooped by to visit Zaarusha & Ezaara, Tomaaz & Maazini, and Roberto & Erob!

Candy floss anyone?

Yes, I’d give this guy the award for the best shirt slogan!

Codi and Calista having fun.

Freddy Mercury knows Spidergirl? Man, wait ’til that hits the headlines!

What’s an Armageddon without a darlek?

Or an anime unicorn, peace-loving cosplayer!

Winner – Armageddon Fantasy Prize Pack!

The winner of our fantasy prize pack was Andrew Hodgkin. Andrew, we hope you enjoy your books!

Phew, this blog post has taken awhile. And to make things worse, I accidentally deleted the version I put up a few days ago, so I had to do it all again! Yes, it’s 5 weeks since Armageddon, but better late than never!