Storylines Family Day – Wellington

Storylines Family Day – Wellington

Storylines Family Day is coming to town!

What is Storylines Family Day? A fun action-packed day of bringing books to life for kids (old and young.) I’ve been coaxing stuffed penguins out of Te Papa, cajoling entomologists to let their precious bug and spider collections see the light of day, mingling with monsters, sweet-talking soldiers, and skating on thin ice to help create an Antarctica zone.


Meet Mrs Mo’s Monster in the Monster Fun Zone.

How? With a fantastic committee of dedicated book enthusiasts whose creative ideas have brought our festival to life. Storylines Family Day 2014 will be a day to remember!

Come along and make a monster, be a monster in our monster parades, or climb though our monster tunnel!

Meet Shackleton Bear and visit his Antarctic Hut. See Antarctic marine samples from NIWA. Wriggle into an Antarctic suit, then go into an Antarctic sent to experience Shackleton’s hut.


Shackleton’s hut is still intact in the Antarctica today.



Life was tough in the trenches in WW1.

Get camouflage paint and try on army gear with real NZ Defence Force soldiers. See the World War One gallery and taste hardtack. Make weapons, I mean, poppies and medals. Learn about Gallipoli.

At Storylines Family Day, you can meet beekeepers, try on their gear, and check out lots of creepy crawlies!

Help illustrators make murals, meet your favourite authors, see storytellers and performers in action. Join in with the ukulele orchestra, see string ensembles and hear Virtuoso Violins in action.

And if you just want to curl up in a corner with a  book, you can go to our Scholastic books Out Aloud zone and listen to your favourite kiwi authors read their stories.

Come along and have some fun.