9 weeks until Storylines Family Day!

9 weeks until Storylines Family Day!

Storylines Family DayStorylines Festival of NZ Children’s Writers and Illustrators

Wellington Free Family Day on 24 August 2014

 We have 9 weeks to go until Storylines Family Day!  Are you passionate about helping kids read? Would you like to make a difference to children’s literacy? Do you enjoy having fun?

Help kids unlock the meaning in books and bring their reading experiences to life — join us as a volunteer for the Storylines Family Day in Wellington.

Crafts, live performances, storytelling, face-painting, competitions, music, and other fun activities are an essential part of our festival, highlighting New Zealand authors, illustrators and books. If you’d like to volunteer on the day, please contact me.

Around 2,000 children attend Family Day at the Michael Fowler Centre in Wellington. Let’s make it a great experience for them.

Please share this with your networks via email and social media. I look forward to hearing from you and having fun at Storylines Family Day together!

Check out our Facebook page for more information.