Advent Calendar

Advent Calendar

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Advent Christmas stories Advent Calendar Katharina Gerlach


If you open door number one, you’ll find a very special Christmas story from me. I’m happy to be part of this Christmas Advent Calendar, created by Katharina Gerlach, a German author who has written over sixty books!

Each year, for the 25 days leading up to Christmas, I get the stories in my inbox from all over the world. These are a great way to get in the Christmas spirit. Feel free to Share this calendar and spread the joy of Christmas across the world.

Pssst: You can subscribe above the calendar on the top right corner.

Have fun reading. I hope you like my story.


2 Responses

  1. Juneta says:

    Eileen, I loved your story. It made me cry. Beautiful. I did not get my story in this year but yours was a wonderful one for the first in 25.

    • Eileen says:

      Hi Juneta,
      Thank you for such a wonderful endorsement. It’s always lovely to hear when readers are touched by a story that means so much to me. It was an emotional experience writing Jessie’s story so I’m glad it touched you too.
      I’m very lucky that Cat Gerlach makes her calendar available to so many readers all over the world.

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