Dragon Pirate Hardback Winner

Dragon Pirate Hardback Winner

We have a Dragon Pirate Hardback Winner!!

Dragon Pirate Hardback

Congratulations to GG, the winner of the Dragon Pirate Hardback!

From August 2021, my readers were invited to enter the draw to win a Dragon Pirate hardback by creating characters, naming islands, suggesting pirate cusses, giving pirates funny characteristics or animal companions, naming a breed of water scorpion, or suggesting the names of various taverns and pirate ships.

So many wonderful suggestions flooded in.

I was gobsmacked by my readers’ creativity. You can take a glimpse at some of their creations here.

GG (who devours books at a rapid rate) has been a member of my Facebook fan group for a while now and is a keen reader of the Riders of Fire and Riders of Fire Dragon Masters series. I was thrilled with GG’s suggestions and used a couple when I wrote Dragon Pirate.

So, Congratulations GG!

The hardback is currently with the formatter, so the hardback edition may be a while yet, but it will get to GG as soon as it’s ready and uploaded on Amazon. Thanks for hanging out and having fun with me as I write!

To have fun in my Facebook group,  join us here!

Read a preview of Dragon Pirate here.