Tag: Ezaara

Riders of Fire Books 1-6: Ezaara, Dragon Hero, Dragon Rift, Dragon Strike, Dragon War and Sea Dragon.

Riders of Fire series Order

Change in Riders of Fire Series Order Riders of Fire has been keeping me busy for years! And there’s more to come… I’ve recently made changes to the series order, so the Riders of Fire stories stay within their own timelines and don’t jump back and forth too much. Books 1-5 follow Ezaara, Roberto and…
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Dragons at 20books Vegas conference!

20books Vegas! Dragons at Large! I’m currently in the USA! Yes, this is a big deal. Although I’ve been around the world many times, and even lived in Switzerland for years, most of my international travel was before I had kids. And man, did I have kids … lots of them. So coming to the…
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Meet Eileen’s Riders of Fire Readers Around the World

They’re reading Riders of Fire here! And here! And there! I recently ran a  contest for my Riders of Fire readers. Here are the results. Meet my readers from around the world. Our Riders of Fire readers grand prize winners are Zach and Cherish Cherish is from Madrid, Iowa USA, and loves Ezaara. She says,…
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Riders of Fire Audio Books on Audible

I’m absolutely thrilled to announce that Audible Studios  have produced Riders of Fire audio books for Ezaara, Dragon Hero and Dragon Rift, the first three books in the series. They’re up on pre-order now and will available to listen to on November 5th (subject to time zones) on Audible .com – USA, Audible .au –…
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Brightblade Box – Dragons Galore!! Win Dragon Swag!!

Isn’t this Brightblade Box prize beautiful? I’ve teamed up with some great authors to bring you the Brightblade Box, a fantastic box of dragon goodies, including cool dragon books from talented and popular authors. Yes, many of them are autographed! This is an awesome haul for a lucky reader! And all the cool dragon swag…
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Prime Minister Jacinda Ardern makes a cameo appearance in Riders of Fire, Eileen Mueller's award-winning series.

Jacinda Adern Answers Dragon Plea & Cameos in Riders of Fire

Jacinda Ardern Our Prime Minister Jacinda Ardern has received a plea from a young New Zealander to research psychics and dragons. She responded, returning the $5  the child had enclosed, and asked whether those fire-breathing mind-reading dragons actually wore suits! Jacinda’ s cameo in Ezaara Jacinda Ardern has a cameo in Ezaara, Riders of Fire,…
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Name a Spider – Winner Sue Minot

Name a Spider I’d like to announce the  winner of the Name a Spider contest that I ran on Facebook back in March! I had meant to announce the results along time ago, but was neck-deep in edits for Dragon Rift, my latest book. Then I launched Dragon Rift at Armageddon, and life went crazy…
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Storylines Notable Book Awards – Fun in Auckland

Storylines Notable Book Awards It’s been a while since I received my Storylines Notable Book Awards for Ezaara and Dragon Hero — for excellence in young adult fiction. I was absolutely thrilled to be among such distinguished company with my roaring dragons! Although I posted on Facebook and told my readers about it in my…
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Sir Julius Vogel Awards – Ezaara on Shortlist – Thank you

Sir Julius Vogel Awards – Finalists The Sir Julius Vogel awards shortlists came out while I was standing behind a stall at Armageddon flapping my dragon wings and chatting to readers about books. In the flurry of cosplay, book talk and oddly-garbed visitors popping by the stand, I nearly missed the announcement. Nearly. My friends…
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Monday Morning Indie Ezaara Riders of Fire review

News Round Up – Dragon Rift

I haven’t been active on my blog for a month because I’m writing Dragon Rift (book 3, Riders of Fire). Time and words here on my blog are words that aren’t happening in my new novel! However, I do have some cool news to share. Monday Morning Indie I was recently interviewed on Monday Morning…
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