Free Writing Course!
Sign up to Write On! my writing newsletter & get a FREE 3-week FLASH FICTION COURSE by an author who has published over 30 novels and developed a novel writing school. You’ll get the course link, and access to a flash fiction writers’ forum in your first issue of Write On!
Since taking this free writing course, every story I have submitted has been accepted! This flash fiction course has changed the way I write. My fiction is tighter, shorter, and packs more punch! And this is a free writing course! Yes – free! This course is for novelists too – you’ll create more compelling scenes using these techniques.
Within weeks of doing this course, I had three short stories accepted for anthologies. It works!
Write On! is my newsletter sent a few times a month. I’ll share writing resources, recommend courses to improve your writing, and provide links to interesting articles, useful downloads and writing forums. I’ll also share my experiences, grammar tips, quotes, and what I’m learning on the job.
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