Rewriting a Novel Successfully!

Rewriting a Novel Successfully!

Eileen Mueller

5 reasons why rewriting a novel is tough!

Rewriting a novel can be especially tough when time has passed, and your craft has been honed since you wrote those old words.

Rewriting a novel can be tough when you changed major plot elements mid-novel, and thought you’d fix them later. And later is now!

Rewriting a novel is tough when you want to cut a whole lot of words. Thousands. Perhaps tens of thousands.

Rewriting can be tough when you want to change a character’s voice.

Rewriting can be tough when you have a job, a family and a thousand other story ideas that would be easier, because writing new words is often more appealing than editing old ones.

rewriting a novel

Eileen has finished rewriting a novel!

6 ways to tell that rewriting is a Success!

Rewriting is a success when you LOVE the new novel.

Rewriting is a success when your characters’ voices, motivations and personalities are clearer, crisper, and sing to you from the page.

Rewriting is a success when the manuscript just begs to be read! And begs. And begs, no matter how busy you are.

Rewriting is a success when your beta readers (from your target audience) drool over the first few chapters, then plead to read the rest! Then offer to buy the book before it’s out.

Rewriting is a success when your story is done, well and truly re-plotted, restructured, polished, edited, and done, done, done.

Stephen King mentions that rewriting is successful when you’ve cut at least 10% from your work. If you’ve cut even more, you’re on the right track!

So what was I rewriting?

The YA paranormal romance that has been simmering on the back burner for a while. It’s done, and it’s great. Watch this space.