Why give book reviews? A misnomer.

Why give book reviews? A misnomer.

Why review books?

Why review books?

Recently I had a reader write to me, saying that while they understood that reviews make a writer feel good, why is it that we want reviews? Why do we need a pat on the back? Don’t we understand that our books are good?
That letter made me smile. I love my books. I have readers who love my books. I have strangers who write to me and celebrate my books, and then become online friends as I find out a more about who they are and their lives.
Occasionally, I have someone who doesn’t like my books. That’s okay. Not every book is for every reader.
So why do authors need reviews on their books? Perhaps this graphic explains it:
amazon review - matters
So, once a book has over 15 reviews, it’s likely to sell more copies. And guess what?
Reviews sell books: the more reviews, the better sales will be.
People want social proof that something is good before they purchase. We want to know what we’re buying represents good value. We want to know that the $ and hours we’ll invest in reading will be worth it.
Well, that proves that reviews are important! They help sell books. Which means I can pay the mortgage, eat, and afford to keep writing.
Which means YOU get more of the adventures you love.

Most authors have more stories inside them than they’re able to physically get out of their fingertips (or dictation machines).
I’ve written three entire series in my head. It’s probably going to take me a year or eighteen months to get the first series into my readers’ hands — Riders of Fire is 8 planned books and growing…
And my next series? 4 books. I’ve plotted and replotted the first three books many times in my head as I swim, with the sun’s refracted rays playing along the blue tiles and dancing in the water (I swim outdoors in summer). But every time I get out of the pool, there’s still only one book written. A book that teens squealed about when I read them the first chapter a couple of years ago!! And a lot of work waiting to get the next 3 done!
Many sleeps to go.
That’s a lot of meals to eat between now and then…
And bills to pay…
So yes, please! Reviews!
You see, writing is a long haul game. Building worlds, one word at a time. Shaping imaginations and emotions with a few delicate keystrokes. Taking readers on journeys far outside their everyday lives. Helping people feel, grow consider, understand and dream. Exploring the gambit of human (and otherworldly) experience. Delving into emotions. Helping people make sense of their lives.
It’s a privilege. I thank you for it, and would love to be able to continue helping you take adventures.
And even more than the nitty-gritty of paying the bills, I LOVE hearing what you think, how my stories affect you. Whether they give you hope, make you despair, inspire or frustrate you. Which characters you loved or related to, which characters made your blood boil, and how their inner and outer lives helped shape yours.
So in answer to my reader who posed the question, “Why reviews?”, I’d say, “because they’re essential to me continuing my work and bringing you exciting adventures to enjoy.”
If you’d like to review Riders of Fire, you can find the series here on Amazon (or here on Goodreads).